Discover Mexican Caribbean

Mexican Caribbean

The reefs, the home to many kind of fishes and bigger animals like turtles, rays and sharks etc. The reef has big importance to environment and all the animals, it’s not only a beautiful place where a lot of animals are swimming its place where the animals hunt, sleep and protect from the different dangers to the circle of life has.

This venomous species is original of the Western Pacific and Oceania, and has become a significant problem in the Mexican Caribbean waters. This fish its highly appreciated in aquariums and for human consume, where responsible from selling it to aquariums, restaurants and pets shops allowed its propagation in oceans where they don´t belong. Other theory about how they arrived to Caribbean waters is that their migration is originated from natural phenomena causes (hurricanes and underwater corrients).

All our tours are operated in glass bottom boats so you will be able to admire all the magnificent marine life from the surface. Caribbean water is so clear, that colors simply will astound you!